Limited edition high quality gi with only 100 being produced. Designed for serious BJJ practitioners, built to the highest quality and craftsmanship incorporating cutting edge style and detailing. Stylish...
€104.99 €129.99
Designed for serious BJJ practitioners, built to the highest quality and craftsmanship incorporating cutting edge style and detailing. The Dabilla Series 3.0 GI is a top quality Gi constructed using only the...
Sold Out - €104.99 €119.99
The Cú 3.0 is a redesign of our extremely popular Cú 450gsm pearl weave gi. Designed for serious BJJ practitioners, built to the highest quality and craftsmanship incorporating cutting edge style and...
€79.99 €99.99
The best value gi on the market! Ideal for all levels and built to the same high quality and craftsmanship as all other Wolfhound Gi's. The Gaiscioch Series Gi is a top quality Gi...
Designed for serious BJJ practitioners, built to the highest quality and craftsmanship incorporating cutting edge style and detailing. The Gaiscíoch Ranked BJJ Rashguard is a top quality rashguard constructed using only the best...
Built to the highest quality and craftsmanship incorporating cutting-edge style and detailing including an anti-slip elasticated hem. The new Team Ireland Rashguard is a top-quality rashguard which draws inspiration from the...
Designed for serious BJJ practitioners, built to the highest quality and craftsmanship incorporating cutting-edge style and detailing. The new 2024 Team Ireland Rashguard is a top quality rashguard constructed using only the...
Tada Gan Iarracht is an old Irish phrase meaning 'Nothing without effort' or simply put 'No Pain No Gain.' This motto is also relevant to the commitment and time we have invested into creating a stylish, unique and affordable apparel that is made the the very highest standards at affordable prices. Anyone who has studied a martial art, especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, knows the effort and training required to succeed. It is not a sport for everyone, it's a way of life, and to succeed you need dedication, intelligence, skill, strength, stamina and patience.
If you can say yes to 5 or more: you're a little bit obsessed. If you can say yes to 8 or more: you have a bit of a problem. If you can say yes to 10 or more: You may need addiction counselling. If you can say yes to all: Call a priest because you have been possessed by Helio Gracie (1) You constantly find yourself thinking about your last roll and how you could have dominated if only you had... (2) You accept that blokes genitals in the vicinity of your mouth is just one of those things. (3) You turn over in bed at night by posting your foot and sliding your hips to turn instead of...
1. They're super fit AND ripped. BJJ is a sport that uses all your muscles, including some you have never even heard of and thats not to mention the cardio intensity that is also involved. BJJ practitioners train a lot to be the best and that also requires eating the right foods. They are always conscious of their weight because in competition they must choose a weight category and no BJJ competitor wants to compete out of their weight class, therefore carrying any excess weight is out of the question! 2. They're very intelligent. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is essentially human chess. You need to be able to think and fight at the same time, and this is no easy achievement. You need to...